Pre-K Program
Our 3K & 4-K programs are full of curiosity, and our children spend a great deal of time observing the world around them. They work in groups and explore interest areas as they work toward individual creativity, problem-solving and self expressive skills. Our children develop the confidence to accomplish simply tasks. They enjoy physical activities such as running, swinging, throwing, dancing, and ball play. They express many thoughts and ideas while solving problems with distinctive approaches. We focus upon the following objectives:
Recognizes own feelings and manages them appropriately
Demonstrates basic locomotor skills (running, jumping, galloping)
Controls small muscles in hands
Uses tools for writing and drawing
Expresses self using expanded sentences
Comprehends and interprets meaning from books and other text
Writes letters, words, and sentences
Uses numbers skills and concepts
Shows awareness of time and sequence
Kindergarten Ready
Our 4K program prepares our students for the rigors of kindergarten and implements high-program standards to ensure school readiness. We utilize the Creative Curriculum as well as focus upon the South Carolina Early Learning Standards set forth by the state of South Carolina. Conferences are held during fall and spring to confer with parents about their strengths, challenges, and goals.
South Carolina Early Learning Standards
The guiding principles of the South Carolina Early Learning Standards include:
All children are learners.
All children are capable and competent.
Children are individuals who develop at various rates.
Children learn through play and the active exploration of their environment.
Every child is unique and is accepted for his/her differences in development, culture, home environment, and learning style.
Expectations for children must be guided by knowledge of child growth and development.
Parents are children’s most important caregivers and educators.
It takes a partnership among families, early care and education providers, schools, health care providers, and other community resources to promote children’s development and school success.
Quality early learning experiences are essential to prepare a child for success in school and life.
Standards of Development
Standards are grouped around five areas of children’s development.
Approaches to Learning
Social and Emotional Development
Language and Literacy
Physical Development and Health
Creative Curriculum
The Creative Curriculum balances both teacher-directed and child-initiated learning, with an emphasis on responding to children's learning styles and building on their strengths and interests. This is of one of the country's leading research-based preschool curricula with the latest theory and research on best practices. The Creative Curriculum for Preschool clearly defines the teacher's vital role in connecting content, teaching, and learning for preschool children.